What's the interest rate on the five-year large deposit? 五年期的大额存款利息是多少?
Internet money funds offer yields of around 6 per cent per year, almost twice the average interest paid on a one-year bank deposit. 互联网货币基金提供的年收益率约为6%,几乎是一年期银行存款平均利率的两倍。
For stocks already issued, stockholders shall ask the issuer to reftmd the issue price and the interest calculated on the price, using the bank deposit interest rate for the corresponding period. 已经发行的,证券持有人可以按照发行价并加算银行同期存款利息,要求发行人返还。
Inflation has lowered the attractiveness of bank savings, which pay only 3.87 per cent interest on a one-year deposit account. 通货膨胀已降低了银行储蓄的吸引力,一年期存款利率仅为3.87%。
Responding to their problems, the government in the1980s began a gradual phasing out of interest rate ceilings on interest paid by s& ls as well as by banks while raising the insured deposit ceiling to$ 100000. 针对这些问题,80年代联邦政府开始逐步取消对储贷社和银行所付利息的最高利率限制,同时把保值存款的最高限额提高到100000美元。
The bank pays 10% interest on deposit 银行付10%的存款利息
The interest on term deposit is only due at maturity. 固定存款的利息只能在期满之后兑付。
In addition, the central bank can pay interest on the reserves held by banks with the Fed, and offer term deposits a measure equivalent to a certificate of deposit for banks to constrain credit growth. 另外,美联储可以通过向银行放在央行的准备金支付利息以及提供定期存款安排来限制信贷增长。定期存款安排相当于一种面向银行的存款单。
Billions of renminbi flowed into the stock market as the interest rates on savings accounts stayed well below inflation, meaning investors were losing money in real terms if they left their cash on deposit. 中国存款利率保持在远低于通胀率的水平,意味着如果投资者将现金存入银行,实际上就是在亏钱。于是,巨额人民币流入股市。
Interest on time deposits is payable only at maturity of the deposit period, when it will be credited to the principal sum in the absence of instructions to the contrary. 定期存款的利息只可在存款期满时支付,而在没有相反指示之情况下,将会在存款期满时纳入本金。
They will also often pay you interest on your deposit. 也往往付出你对你的存款利息。
The interest on term deposit only dues at maturity. 定期存款利息必须到期支付。
A tenant is to be given the unpaid accrued interest on security deposit in the form of either a direct payment or a credit against rent. 未支付的已累计房租押金可直接支付给房客,或予以抵销房租。
Banks also offer "savings certificates", which earns higher rates of interest than regular savings account but which must remain on deposit for a designate period of time. 银行也提供储蓄券,利息比一般储蓄要高,但存款必须到一定的期限才能取款。
In handling savings businesses, savings institutions shall observe the principles of voluntariness in depositing, freedom of withdrawal, interest on every deposit and keeping secret for depositors. 储蓄机构办理储蓄业务,必须遵循“存款自愿,取款自由,存款有息,为储户保密”的原则。
Hong Kong residents can open renminbi accounts within the territory, but banks offer very low interest – an annual rate of just 0.8 per cent on a six-month time deposit, for example. 香港居民也可在当地开设人民币账户,但银行提供的利率很低&例如,6个月定期存款的年利率仅为0.8%。
The effect of taxation over interest of household deposit will be permanent, while that of real deposit system on household deposit will be temporary. 开征存款利息税对储蓄存款的影响将是持久的,个人存款实名制对储蓄存款的影响是暂时的。
Decrease the rate of interest on deposit 、 loan and deposit reserve; 进一步调低商业银行存贷款利率和存款准备金利率;
This paper gives such suggestions, which are raising interest rate when macro-economic performance is improved, coordinating policies on domestic currency interest rate and foreign currency interest rate, taxing on financial returning, and persisting in real name deposit system. 建议在宏观经济形势进一步好转后,考虑适当上调利率,协调本外币利率政策,适当时机开征金融收益税,坚持已经实行的存款实名制。
In view of the experience and lessons on deposit reserves system both at home and abroad, this paper concludes that central bank sets an appropriate interest rates on deposit reserves is conducive to control monetary aggregates and interest rates level. 本文认为从国内外存款准备金制度实施的经验与教训看,对存款准备金支付适当的利息,有利于中央银行的货币与利率调控。
The article sets up a monetary policy model which includes the main economic characteristics of developing countries, and analyzes the effect of interest rate fluctuation on the deposit and investment. 本文建立了一个包含发展中国家经济特征的货币政策模型,分析了利率变动对储蓄和投资的影响,并对影响我国规定资产投资的主要因素进行了实证分析。
On the basis of partial equilibrium, an asset portfolio model is provided to analyze the impact of interest rate, inflation, the volatility of stock market return and consumer's risk preference on the demand for savings deposit. 本文以消费者最优资产选择模型为基础,采用局部均衡分析方法探讨了通货膨胀、股市收益波动、消费者风险偏好对储蓄存款需求的影响。
In order to shake off the negative influence of global economic slump after Sep.11 Accident, the People's Bank of China reduced interest on deposit for the eighth time. 为应对9.11后全球经济疲软的不利影响,中国人民银行第八次降息。
And then draw the conclusion: The interest rate change brought by limit release will cause the negative effect on effective investment rate and deposit conversion ratio of China. 进而得出结论:利率限制解除带来的利率变动会对中国的有效投资比率和储蓄&投资转化率造成负面影响;
The reform of interest rate liberalization is to build a system which is based on the interest rate of center bank, appeared through the medium of interest rate of currency market, and the interest rate of deposit and loan in the demand and supply of the market. 利率市场化改革就要建立中央银行利率为基础、货币市场利率为中介、金融机构存贷款利率由市场供求决定的利率体系和形成机制。